QUFA Digest: September 2024

Hello QUFA Members,

Please see the September 2024 edition of Digest below. This issue is fairly substantial, with several calls for participation, so we hope you will take some time to read through it.

Events, Meetings, and Participation

  1. Research Infrastructure Survey: If you are a QUFA Member who is expected to conduct research or produce creative works as part of your work for Queen’s University, we invite you to participate in a new QUFA survey about research supports and infrastructure. The survey is anonymous, but if you are willing to discuss your situation in more detail, you can provide us with contact details. The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete, and can be found here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PLTVC8J
  2. QUFA New Faculty Caucus: We are looking for a chair/two co-chairs for the New Faculty Caucus. Any recently appointed faculty member (tenured, tenure-track, and adjunct) is welcome to join the New Faculty Caucus and attend the open meetings to discuss the issues that are pressing to new faculty here at Queen’s. The idea is to gather recently appointed faculty (up to 5 years) once or twice a term to share experiences, discuss relevant issues or concerns, share ideas and resources, and outline how our faculty union can work for recently appointed faculty. Please contact PACC Chair, Vanessa E. Thompson, if you are interested in chairing the New Faculty Caucus: vt25@queensu.ca. To be added to the caucus listserv, please send your request by email to Elizabeth Polnicky: ep43@queensu.ca.
  3. QUFA BIPOC Caucus: The BIPOC Caucus of QUFA supports and advocates for members who are Black, Indigenous, or racialized and/or visible minorities. It is organized to collectively discuss workplace matters specific to QUFA’s BIPOC members and work towards racial equity in our workplace. To join the BIPOC Caucus please contact Co-Chair Ayca Tomac at: ayca.tomac@queensu.ca.
  4. QUFA Caregivers’ Caucus: Any QUFA member involved in care responsibilities (e.g., young children, seniors, family members with disabilities) are welcome to join the QUFA Caregivers Caucus and attend our open meetings. The Caucus meets once per term to share experiences, concerns, and resources. Please join the Chair, Heather McGregor (Education), on October 4th from 12:00-1:00pm for a discussion to address: the context of the caucus, emerging resources/opportunities, and your suggestions/needs. To be added to the caucus listserv and receive the Zoom meeting link please send your request by email to Elizabeth Polnicky: ep43@queensu.ca
  5. A rally for Grassy Narrows land defenders will take place in Toronto on September 18, and a bus will be leaving from Kingston at 8 am. Please see this link to sign up for the bus and for further information about the rally:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc9LHRIfPHlRTErqKY-ECcCxjSi3s1I3j2nS28mGHbKvNeyZQ/viewform


  1. Annual Performance Review: Annual Reports are due on September 30, 2024. See Article 28 of the Collective Agreement. Please note the different processes for full-time faculty and Term Adjuncts. A reminder that QUFA and Queen’s agreed to return to an annual review cycle in the last round of bargaining. Please contact your Unit Head about accessing forms.
  2. Tuition Support Plan: The fall submission window is September 1 – November 1, 2024. See Appendix N of the Collective Agreement and click here for the application form.
  3. Fund for Scholarly and Creative Work and Professional Development (Adjuncts). The fall application deadline is October 7, 2024. Please find the application, guidelines, and more information here.
  4. Childcare Support Plan: The deadline is February 1, 2025. Please see Appendix M of the Collective Agreement and click here for the application form.

For Your Information

  • New Members: If you are a recent hire at Queen’s, you can fill out an Association Membership form here. To learn more about being a Member of the Bargaining Unit and a Member of the Association, click here.
  • QUFA Voices: Please see the new August edition here.
  • QUFA Podcast: Check out Campus Conversations and our initial series on Intellectual Property (IP).
  • You can always check our News & Events feed on the website homepage for updates: www.qufa.ca
  • Visit QUFA on Facebook, Instagram, and X


QUFA Staff