

Grievance Inquiries

If you have questions or concerns about your rights under the Collective Agreement, we encouraged you to contact QUFA’s Grievance and Member Services team:

Grievances Defined

Article 19 of the Collective Agreement outlines the Grievance Process and defines a grievance as being “any dispute or difference, that has not been resolved informally […] arising out of the application, interpretation, administration or alleged violation of the provisions of this Agreement […]”  Not all conflicts with the University fall into this definition, and as a result, not all conflicts are grievable.

QUFA staff are trained to identify both breaches of the Collective Agreement that should be dealt with under the Grievance Process, and interpersonal issues that can be dealt with under a more informal dispute resolution process.  Regardless of the nature of the dispute, QUFA staff can assist you in planning a timely approach to resolving the matter.

If you are advised that your issue should be addressed through the Grievance Process, you can find information about the grievance process and relevant policies and information sheets on this page.


Please see Section 2 of the QUFA Policies & Protocols document for grievance-related policies, including:

  • QUFA Protocol Regarding Representation: Carriage, Confidentiality, Disclosure, Duty of Fair Representation and Referral to Arbitration
  • Grievance Appeals Policy
  • Protocol for Handling Inquiries by QUFA Executive, Council of Representatives, and Other Active Volunteer Members
  • **Update** Please note that the QUFA Grievance policies are currently under review (2024). Contact QUFA staff if you have any questions.

Information Sheets and Forms

Conflict Resolution Services

More commonly, concerns arise over less formal kinds of conflict and QUFA staff work with members to see if the conflict can be resolved in a timely and informal basis.  Disputes often arise as a result of poor communication or a legitimate misunderstanding of the rights and obligations of the parties involved and can be easily and cooperatively resolved.

Interpersonal conflicts and professional disputes with co-workers and or supervisors can be addressed through a confidential and free Conflict Resolution Service provided by Meaghan Welfare. She can be reached at 613-4535728 or