QUFA Digest: September 2023
Welcome back everyone,
We hope you had a pleasant summer. Please see the first edition of QUFA Digest for the Fall Term below. Digest is QUFA’s monthly list of upcoming events, deadlines, and important information. We will send it to the Membership during the last week of every month going forward.
- Adjunct Social: Thursday September 7, 4:30pm at the Grad Club, Second Floor (162 Barrie St at the corner of Barrie/Union). Come out for beverages, snacks, and meet other Adjunct colleagues. Watch for future dates for additional socials for Term and Continuing Adjuncts in October.
- QUFA Welcome Back Family BBQ: Wednesday September 20, 4:00pm at Breakwater Park (King St. just south of St. Lawrence Ave on the waterfront pathway). Complimentary food and refreshments for QUFA Members.
- Quaff with QUFA: Wednesday October 4, 4-6pm at the University Club, Old Bar (168 Stuart St.). QUFA welcomes new faculty members to campus.
For all of the above events, please check the embedded links and RSVP to Elizabeth Polnicky at ep43@queensu.ca
- Annual Performance Review deadline: September 30, 2023. Please see Article 28 of the Collective Agreement. During the last round of contract negotiations, Queen’s and QUFA agreed to return to an annual cycle of performance review based on the Academic Year (July to June) rather than the calendar year. These two changes (from biennial to annual, calendar to academic year) mean that the next performance review will capture 18 months from January 2022 to June 2023. Thereafter, reviews will be based on single years from July 1 to June 30. In this new cycle, Annual Reports are due by no later than September 30th. Please contact QUFA staff if you have any questions.
- Fund for Scholarly and Creative Work and Professional Development (Adjuncts) application deadline: October 3, 2023. Application form is here: https://www.queensu.ca/facultyrelations/qufa/research-fund
- Tuition Support Plan deadline: November 1, 2023. See Appendix N in the Collective Agreement, and visit the Queen’s Benefits page to log into the HR Intranet for more details: https://www.queensu.ca/humanresources/working-queens/benefits
- Childcare Support Plan deadline: February 1, 2024. See Appendix M of the Collective Agreement, and visit the Queen’s Benefits page and log into the HR Intranet for more details: https://www.queensu.ca/humanresources/working-queens/benefits
Get Involved
- Adjunct Rights Workshop. October 18 at 2:30-4pm via Zoom. We encourage Adjunct Members to join us for a discussion and Q&A about Adjunct rights, including right of reappointment, promotion, service, appointment processes, and working conditions. Please RSVP to Micheline Waring for the Zoom link at micheline.waring@queensu.ca
- Interested in QUFA’s Adjunct Advocacy Committee? We are looking for more people to join and help advocate for Adjunct rights at Queen’s. If interested, please contact Melissa Houghtaling at m.houghtaling@queensu.ca
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QUFA Staff