QUFA Digest: January 2024

Happy New Year QUFA Members!

Please find the January 2024 edition of Digest below.


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For Your Information

  • QUFA launched a new Podcast series last month. Please check out Campus Conversations and our initial series on Intellectual Property (IP) with QUFA Member Michael Greenspan (Electrical and Computer Engineering) as he delves into the foundations of IP and its importance to Queen’s faculty.
  • The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) recently discontinued its agreement with the Edvantage program, which provided discounts and special offers on various products and services to faculty across Ontario. QUFA is in the process of re-connecting with Edvantage to continue to offer those deals to members. If you are interested in signing up with Edvantage, please let us know by emailing QUFA staff at: qufa@queensu.ca
  • An upcoming workshop presented by Women, Gender, and Social Justice (WGSJ) entitled Tools for Teaching in Times of Conflict: Better Practices for the Gender and Sexuality Classroom will take place on Friday January 19 from 2-3:30pm. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/better-practices-for-the-gender-and-sexuality-classroom-tickets-791326267167?aff=oddtdtcreator

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QUFA Staff: qufa@queensu.ca